100% Satisfaction Guarantee


We sincerely believe the Highlands Ability Battery is the most comprehensive natural ability testing tool available in Australia today, and trust that you will also see the value in discovering your unique natural abilities.

We are so confident we are offering you a risk free 100% satisfaction guarantee to experience this incredible process.

If after taking the three hour Highlands Ability Battery, and receiving the 45 to 55 page detailed personal report, you do not feel that the product is highly professional, well researched, individual, and of high quality, you simply need to contact us via e-mail with a brief note explaining your dissatisfaction within 7 days of receiving the report, and then post the report to our offices for a full refund.

Note: It is so important that the person taking the test tries their best, is well rested, and in a comfortable and quite environment. The accuracy and validity of the results is solely dependent on the person taking the test. The person taking the test must want to do it, and not be forced to do it out of obligation which could alter their results.

We cannot guarantee that the results in the report will give you the answers you were expecting, as often personal perception and reality differ.